Why Covisory?
We're glad you asked. We are all specialists in our fields. This is what sets us apart.

Nigel Smith

Chris Ng

Mike Bradley

Amanda Davies

Marcus Diprose

Michael Dall

Brian Freestone

Colin Davies

Jay Roberts

Sally Herbert
Our Vision
To be innovative customer-centric advisers exceeding expectations
for our client’s business, trust, wealth & tax needs
Our Journey to Date
From the moment that TACSL (yes, our first name was literally spelling out the services we provided – Taxation and Commercial Solutions) came into being during 2006 we have always looked at how we could go about things smarter and faster. We have constantly looked at technology and how this can be used as a tool to work more intuitively.
During the past 18 years, we have taken the opportunity to have open discussions with our clients and to meet with technology and business specialists in their fields to crystal-ball gaze, to look at what we do right and where we can improve. We looked at possible directions and opportunities for the company.
This has meant we have a clear understanding of:
• What our business is about.
• Who our customers are.
• Our customers’ expectations of us both in conduct and service.
• How to ensure our customers feel connected to us.
• How to maximise value for our Customers.